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  • What is this Club?

This club is all about creative writing and is a place for writers to hang out. Our main focus is on character, style, and story development. Each meeting is themed after at least one of those ideas. In general, a meeting has an informational segment followed by writing games and exercises, which may be associated with structured discussion. As a part of the club's function, there is an open invitation for anyone to host a meeting for the club. This invitation includes all CSN faculty, CSN students, and any other person who is interested in making CSN a more interesting place. We are an interest-driven club with the ambition of creating an experimental workshop environment. To learn more about what to expect from the club, or how to contribute to it, you can explore our canvas (Link to it down below). 

  • How did this club get designed?

All the games involve collaboration or interaction with other writers. The goal is to make this club fun for both writers and for people who are just interested in ideas. By the end of a meeting, a member will have had the chance to learn something, practice their writing skills, share their own thoughts, and get exposure to other people's thoughts. These last two things will primarily occur through writing as our medium, but every meeting involves more direct discussion too. 

  • Club Philosophies

1) This club should require as little leadership/effort to run as possible.

2) This club promotes in-person meetings.

3) All kinds of writers can have fun. 

- Club Creator: Benjamin Robertson Contact

Joining the club

A) View our canvas here

B) Join the discord here

C) Join the mailing list below

Thanks for submitting!

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